Middle East Nuclear Investing

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted July 23, 2012

In the spirit of the infamous McCarthy Hearings, Rep. Michele Bachmann has launched an inquiry to find out if Congress has been infiltrated by Muslim terrorists.

Bachmann recently told a radio host there has been deep penetration in the halls of our United States government by the Muslim Brotherhood.

That’s a pretty bold claim, one that begs the question: How could all those flag-waving bureaucrats on the Hill have missed such a thing?

Perhaps those insane piles of special interest lucre blocked their view when that Trojan horse wheeled its way in to the Hart Senate Building…

Sarcasm aside, Bachmann’s hateful rhetoric has actually fired up a lot of other paranoid folks in this country. And it’s reminded me that fear of enemy invasions continue to weigh on the psyche of many Americans.

Of course, this is nothing new…

In 1942, fear of Japanese infiltration caused the U.S. government to “relocate” more than 100,000 Japanese Americans to “War Relocation Camps.” And in 1954, fear of communist infestations launched the McCarthy Hearings, perhaps one of the worst instances of constitutional rights abuses in our nation’s history (at least, before the Patriot Act came along).

Point is whether it’s a world war, the war on communism, or, as Rep. Ron Paul put it, “a completely illegal, immoral, unconstitutional and illegitimate war in Iraq and Afghanistan,” fear has always served as an effective catalyst for irrational behavior.

So I must admit I was a bit surprised to see so few Islamophobes miss the news that a heavily Muslim nation in the Middle East just got approval to build two nuclear power plants!

No Enriched Uranium for You!

The news hardly made a peep back in 2009, when the United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed an agreement under the U.S. Atomic Energy Act to forfeit its right to domestically enrich uranium… but it was actually a pretty big deal.

You see, once that deal was signed, nuclear industry insiders knew it would only be a matter of time before the UAE got its license to build the first nuclear power plant in the Gulf region.

And that’s exactly what happened last week.

It was Wednesday when we got the call: The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation granted approval to build two nuclear reactors.

Now here’s where it gets good…

This particular project was awarded to Korea Electric Power Group (KEPCO). The company — which boasts a technology platform that’s known throughout the industry as a cutting-edge option to secure safety — told reporters it’s now looking to take additional safety measures following Fukushima.

What would those additional measures be?

Perhaps a new nuclear fuel technology that can actually eliminate the threat of meltdowns?

Follow the Money

You’ve heard it time and time again: Follow the money.

And it makes sense.

But you know what else I like to follow? The players.

If I could attach a GPS to some of these guys, I would consider it. But I don’t really have the resources or lack of ethics to actually go through with it.

However, I do know who the key players are in the nuclear space. And I regularly monitor their travel schedules when possible. Because quite frankly, being this nosy can actually lead you to some pretty good deals…

Next April, the CEO of KEPCO and the VP of Nuclear Fuels for a little materials company in Massachusetts will be in the same room at the Fairmont Hotel in Singapore to discuss — you guessed it — nuclear fuel developments.

It’s no secret that every nuclear power plant developer on the planet is actively looking for new ways to reduce the threat of meltdowns.

And the little materials company that’ll be directly connected to KEPCO at a closed-door meeting in Singapore is currently developing and testing a new nuclear fuel that does just that: eliminates the threat of meltdowns.

This is no coincidence, my friends…

Nor is it a coincidence that the same company with a direct connection to KEPCO is also the company that lent its VP of Nuclear Fuels to the World Nuclear Association. That’s right — the same guy that’ll be joining KEPCO’s CEO in Singapore next year is also the Chairman of the World Nuclear Association’s Fuel Technology Working Group!

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. The whole thing is playing out like a movie. But this is no movie…

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Jeff is an editor of Energy and Capital as well as a contributing analyst for New World Assets.

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